welcome to our

Hello Summer Camp

our features

What you get

Year after year, families tell us why they choose Hello Summer as a priority place for their kids to spend summer holidays at and to have the best time ever:

about the company

Camp Activities

receive the best

memories to last a lifetime

Values & Philosophy

Photo Gallery

Get ready

for the summer
of a lifetime!

The traditional view of a summer camp as a woody place with hiking, canoeing, and campfires is changing, with greater acceptance of newer types summer camps that offer a wide variety of specialized activities.

Register for Camp
Thinking about going to
camp next summer?


Book Now to secure your
place in the programme!

Website realizat în cadrul proiectelor cu finanţare din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020 – StartUP Ingenium – POCU/829/6/13/141114

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